Post and Telephone Information

Snail - Mail 
You will find post offices in every town. They are easily recognized by the yellow sign "Post". Opening hours are: 
  • Monday - Friday: 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. 
  • Saturday: 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. 
You may get stamps also in shops or at vending machines. 
The usual postage: 

on a letter (up to 20g) 

  • Germany/Europe DM 1,10 
  • International  DM 3,00 
on a postcard 
  • Germany/Europe DM 1,00 
  • International  DM 2,00 
Local, national and international calls can be made from every phone, telephone booth and post office. The minimum fare at telephone booths is DM 0,20. Besides paying with coins at the telephone booths, you can also buy a calling card . Calling cards are available at all post offices. 
  • For a call to Germany dial: 
         international access code + 49 
         + area code without the "0" + connection 
         (e.g. "+49 6221 542900")
  • For an international call dial: 
        00 + country code + area code + connection 
        (e.g. "00 1 123 456 7890")

Here are some useful telephone numbers: 

  • area code for Heidelberg           06221 
  • AIESEC office                         542900 
  • police                                     110 
  • fire department/ambulance       112 
  • emergency doctors 
          (Saturday 8. a.m. 
          till Monday 7 a. m.)                 26244 
  • railway information                  19419 
  • airport information Frankfurt      069 / 6903051 
  • lift center Frankfurt                  069 /  19444 
  • telephone information - national 11833 
  • telephone information - international 11834